Self Love - The Key to a Busy Woman’s Happy & Healthy Life

Ruth is sttod in a kitchen, chopping up an avocado for lunch

Ok, first things first. Life as a busy woman is a whirlwind of schedules, deadlines and endless to-do lists. And in the middle of this, where do we fit ourselves in? The one person who often gets sidelined in the chaos. But here’s the thing, showing yourself some love isn’t a luxury, it’s a game changer if you want to live a happy and healthy life. So let’s take a look at why Self Love is a non-negotiable, even for the busiest of bees,

Why Self Love Matters

I’m guessing that you are already juggling work, life, family, friends and a million other things, right? But here’s the problem - when we neglect ourselves, we end up running on empty and heading straight towards burnout. If you aren’t showing yourself any Self Love, it’s highly likely that you are overly critical of yourself, probably trying very hard to be perfect at everything/for everyone and putting everyone else’s interests and feelings before your own. So let’s flip the script and make Self Love a top priority. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

What does Self Love Really Look Like?

Let’s get one thing straight, Self Love isn’t just about taking a bubble bath or putting on a face mask (although these are pretty great too), it’s about making time for the things that light you up - that could be an energising Yoga class or spending 15 minutes quietly reading a good book. It’ll look different to everyone, but it’s not just about how you act towards yourself, but also how you think and feel about yourself. If it helps, try to think of Self Love as all the things you do for yourself, how you talk to yourself and how you feel about yourself in a loving and kind way. Self Love is about setting boundaries, sticking to those boundaries and saying “no” when you need to. Oh, and it’s also about dropping that perfectionism and accepting yourself as the perfectly imperfect, amazing woman that you are!

Let Go of the Guilt Trip

One of the biggest reasons I hear why women don’t practice Self Love or Self Care, is because they feel guilty. I think it’s because we all feel like taking time for ourselves, leaves less time for us to take care of others. But this isn’t true! Practicing Self Love helps us to help others much better! And actually, when we give out more than we receive, this can lead to feelings of resentment and other negative feelings. So if you find yourself feeling guilty and resentful about taking time for yourself, you need to replace those feelings with a huge dose of Self Compassion!

When you practice Self Compassion, your overall view of yourself becomes much more positive - this doesn’t mean you have to feel positive all the time - you can still feel all your feeling and show yourself some love and acceptance at the same time. Positive Affirmations can help you improve how you speak to and feel about yourself, so try to incorporate a few in the morning when you wake up, or revisit them anytime you catch yourself feeling guilty. Here are a few to get you started: “ I am worthy”, “I deserve good things”, “I am a priority in my own life”.

Practical Self Love Tips for Busy Women On-The-Go

  1. Schedule “Me Time” into your calendar and make it a non-negotiable - treat it like a VIP appointment! Do something in that time that makes YOU feel good, not anybody else! This could be a quick Yoga session, a walk in your local park, or some time watching Netflix on the sofa. Schedule in some time for you.

  2. Practice Mindfulness - studies have shown that a regular Mindfulness practice for a few minutes everyday, can help reduce stress and anxiety and help you feel more grateful for what you have. This small practice (which has amazing benefits in the long run), is like a super power for busy women and the best bit? You can practice it anywhere! Take some time to focus on your deep breaths, try and be fully in the present moment or notice the sensations in a body part and just feel your tension melt away.

  3. Surround yourself with positivity - spend time with people who lift you up and make you feel energised, rather than drain you. You deserve to be surrounded by good vibes and positive energy, so don’t allow yourself to settle for anything less!

  4. Show your body some love with good food - We all know the benefits that a balanced diet has on our body and mind, but it’s sometimes feels impossible to fit eating healthily onto our to-do list. Try meal planning - this is an essential priority if you want to be able to prepare meals, that give you the energy to take on whatever the day throws at you.

  5. Get enough sleep - Getting enough sleep is absolutely vital for good mental health. When your body is getting enough good quality sleep, your memory improves, you are able to handle stress a lot better and your whole body functions better. Try sticking to a nighttime routine of limiting your screen time an hour before bed, dimming the lights and preparing your body for sleep at the same time every night.

So there you have it, 5 reasons why Self Love should be a non-negotiable for busy women everywhere. So go ahead, show yourself some love by practicing Mindfulness, eating a balanced diet and prioritising good sleep and watch as your world transforms into a happier and healthier place.


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